Enable Test Recorder in Visual Studio
Enabling Test Recorder for Visual StudioMultiBrowser enables you to record a test, generating the C# code within Visual Studio. You can then playback the recorded tests against your local installed browsers, MultiBrowser standalone browsers, Mobile Emulator or the cloud (Saucelabs account required).
To enable local socket communication between Visual Studio and the recorder you would need to install a localhost certificate. You would need elevated permissions to install the certificate. Please note the certificate can also be installed at install time by your system administrator by running the same command below.
1. Open a command prompt as administrator:
- Type "cmd" in your search or run box, a list of suggestions would come up.
- Right click "cmd" and select "Run as Administrator"
- cd "C:\Program Files\MultiBrowser"
- helper.exe --certificates
The helper.exe file enables you to do many of your administrative commands from the command line (Install/uninstall license keys, install proxy etc). Run Helper.exe /? for more information.